Tiny Programs
Use this script to check if a font is able to handle all characters that appear in the text of your book project.
This Python script accepts a font and a text file as input. The output is an HTML file that you can view in the browser.
You’ll get an overview of all characters in your text with info if they’re present in the font. If not, you’ll see a list of the affected words.
InDesign Specimen Creator
Create multiple type specimens in an instant based on an InDesign template.
You can run this Python script with one or more fonts. Once the program finishes, InDesign will automatically open, so you can continue to adjust the specimen for your taste.
The specimen template can be customized to display font data, text samples, and character overviews.
Image Channels
Extract the CMY channels from images.
This Python script takes one or more image files, converts them to CMYK, and saves the CMY channels as new images.
Ideal for preparing images for silk-screen printing.
Image Size
Prepend the with and length to the filenames of your images.
This script copies one or more image files into a new folder with a new filename. The filename is updated with the pixel width and height of the image.
That way, you can sort images comfortably by size or spot unusually small images before sending them to print.